Reduce Phone Usage

8 Quick Ways To Reduce Phone Usage And Gain More Time

The need to reduce excessive phone usage is increasingly becoming a topic of discussion and there is a reason this is so.

It is true that if a person does not convert his phone to a money generating machine but uses it just for taking selfies, recording videos, calling and chatting with friends ( the WhatsApp gang) that person will lose out in the quest for that fine gold that could come from a human. I mean a person you could call blessed.

Well, it has been said that one of such things that often wage a war against your future is your phone, especially the one you say is smart.

Phone Usage: Physical To Mental Health

That said, I will allow you to focus on how to reduce smartphone usage which was your reason you are here.

Let’s proceed.

You see, there are quite a number of studies that have shown negative effect of using a smartphone.

They identified issues ranging from physical to mental health wellbeing (1) (2) (3) (4).

In fact, these negative effects should be a thing of concern to everyone who uses a phone.

Away from the health issues phone usage triggers, it could also double as a thief of time.

One of the ample things to do when you finish reading this article is to tell yourself that you can do it.

That is the only spirit you need to war against the attachment and habits you are about to attempt to break.

Meanwhile, these are said just to prepare your mind for what you will glean from this article.

Indeed, reducing phone usage can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can adopt. Of a truth, these strategies have helped people to achieve the result you seek.

Here are some of them that are most prominent among people who have done it.

1.  Set Specific Limits To Phone Usage

Here, you need to decide when your phone must be out of your hands and out of reach.

Your phone has in it what can help you reduce its usage. There are features like screen time tracking or apps that limit your usage. Get these apps and let them do the work for which you got them in. Do not at any time uninstall them.

If the urge comes to uninstall them, remember the reason you downloaded them in the first place and say to yourself; “I will not throw in the towel so early”.

Also, you need to set daily or weekly limits for your phone usage and stick to them.

2.  Designate Phone-Free Zones Or Times

Identify specific times or places where you won’t use your phone, such as during meals, before bed, or in certain rooms of your home.

This could help you set the necessary boundary you need to maximise your 24-hour time effectively.

3.  Remove Temptation

Now, keep your phone out of sight and out of reach when you don’t need it. This you do by placing them in another room you must not visit once your phone is there. Set a specific time that you must stay without the phone and stick to it.

This can help reduce the urge to pick your phone up mindlessly.

Haven’t you noticed that you could just stretch your arm and pick up your phone just to jump on social media and not for specific thing in mind?

4. Find Alternative Activities

Replace phone usage with activities that are more productive or fulfilling.

When I put these strategy I am recommending here to practice, I began to see how much time I had wasted consuming contents on my phone that did not benefit me much.

This is especially times that I find myself watching some videos that do not make sense. Like someone jumping into a water in different styles.

Some amazing things I began to do were reading, writing, exercising, pursuing a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation.

All of these changed a lot in my life.

5.  Set Goals

Determine what you want to accomplish with the extra time you’ll gain by when you reduce phone usage.

You could invest it into learning a new skill, reading an amazing book, watching a great teaching and the list goes on.

Having clear goals can motivate you to stay off your phone and focus on more meaningful activities.

The day I wrote this article for instance, I devoted the time I often use to wind down while using a phone to writing this piece.

6.  Find Accountability

Share your goal of reducing phone usage with a friend, a partner or family member who can help keep you accountable.

You can also join online communities or challenges dedicated to reducing screen time. These provide you the amazing motivation you need to kick this phone usage habit out of your life for good.

7.  Practice Mindfulness

Pay attention to your phone usage habits and the triggers that lead you to reach for your phone.

Here, you need mindfulness techniques. These can help you become more aware of these habits and make it easier to break them.

8.  Gradually Reduce Usage

Finally, always remember the saying: Rome was not built in a day”.

I will suggest that you take it gradually. Do not try to achieve so much in a day.

If you attempt to cut down so tremendously, it could feel overwhelming. In fact, it is majorly the reason some persons fail this quest.

But gradually reducing the amount of time you spend on your phone each day until you reach your desired goal could be the trick.

Dear reader, remember that breaking habits takes time and patience. Be extravagantly kind to yourself, as you work towards reducing your phone usage.

I will feel good to see you return to say you tried and in worked. I wish you well.

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