You must have seen ridiculous amounts changing hands at sales of NFTs. But each time you see this, you remember that you do not know all you should know about NFTs.
In fact, the amounts will often leave you wondering what is it about NFTs.
Its it not just .jpeg or .png images? Is there something else about NFTs that I should know?
Well, you are not alone. I also felt that way until I took this course.
Really, knowing about Ethereum and Non Fungible Tokens, NFTs, in this age and time is a good thing.
You see, digital currency is growing in acceptability and predictions are high about this currencies taking over the future of currencies.
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If this is true, you don’t want to get to the future, which is now, and wonder what made you stay unschooled.
It will be so sad to find that with all you know, you missed the most important knowledge needed for this time future.
I hate to do a catch-up race, even though the race is not to swift.
Evidently, starting early kind of saves you so much troubles and prepare you for opportunities.
This is why I am introducing this free class to you. It will help you understand Cryptocurrency and know all about NFTs.
At the end of the free workshop, you would have learnt so much about;
- Cryptocurrencies.
- How to open a wallet and transfer funds with it
- Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
- The advantages of minting on Polygon and Solana over Ethereum
- The steps to minting NFTs on Polygon and Solana
- The metaverse and its digital ecosystem
- Examples of centralized and decentralized financial systems and
- Analyzing the market trends of cryptocurrencies from recommended news sources